As a tenant of Hjerterum, you will get a good exposure when your event is published on both our website and our popular Facebook page, currently with over 5000 followers.
In addition, it is up to you to promote, sponsor, invite and share your event in your own network. Thus, further advertising lies with you as a tenant.
You can share your event in various spiritual groups on Facebook.
Here is a list:
Spirituelle begivenheder Århus
Århus – Spirituelt forum
Holistisk opslagstavle
Spirituelt Midtjylland
Spirituelle Arrangementer Midt/vest
Spirituelle arrangementer og workshops
Danmarks spirituelle opslagstavle
Ny Danmarks Spirituelle Opslagstavle
Det spirituelle netværk
Netværk for alternative spirituelle i Danmark, REKLAMESØJLEN
Reklamesøjlen, Netværk for alternative spirituelle i Danmark
Reklameside for spirituelle og alternative + alle som søger indenfor dette
Spirituelle i Danmark
Det spirituelle Kronjylland
Det spirituelle Jylland
Spirituelt & Alternativt i JYLLAND
Alternativ/spirituel dans/fest Aarhus