You can find us at Guldsmedgade 26 b, st, 8000 Aarhus C.

Do you wish to visit our location?
Book / schedule a time for a visit by email.
Hjerterum F. M. B. A
CVR-nummer: 40827692
MobilePay: 734388
Djursland Bank: 7268
Kontonr. 1211404
N.B. When you use our centre in Århus, please know that you are responsible for any damage to yourself or your possessions.
There is 2 hours free parking in the yellow zone. We can recommend parking on Kirkegårdsvej, as it is often available during the day. It is a 10-15 minute walk to Hjerterum. Read more about parking rules in Aarhus municipality (prices, map of parking zones, etc.). Unfortunately, Hjerterum’s facilities are not user-friendly for wheelchair users. Although we are on the ground floor, there are 5 steps up to our front door. There is also no room for a wheelchair in the toilet. If you have any questions about our facilities, please feel free to write.